Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the void has to get filled

I've finished watching the 神雕侠侣 DVD in about 2.5 days. (Thanks Uncle)

I've spray-painted the bookcase to a nice blue finish.

I've finish a book.

I'm wasting my life away.

I should be doing my music theory, tiding up my room, organising the stuff in the computer, etc...and I've been rotting.

I looked at my organiser today. I didn't have as many free days as I thought I had. Such is the beauty of an organiser that opens up to a monthly page. I see all the events and the stuff that I have to do. Take away the days that I will be in Cambodia, the Saturdays that are burnt from practicising and the two to three days prior to the concerts for practice, the concert days themselves and the GESL stuff and with Jac being back after X'mas for 10 exclusive days only, it means that the days after X'mas will mostly likely be left for catching up with her.

Before I know it, the month will fly by pretty past, as always.

If I am not wrong, my 'nua-ing' period is limited to the days before the Cambodia trip.

And people shouldn't envy teachers having the school holidays off. I mean.. family will ask you to help out with errands or to help tidy the we all know in Singapore, items are not removed from the job scope, they merely get replaced. It is in accordance to the laws of Physics. There will always be a force that tries to fill in a void.

Oh well...but on the bright side, I don't have to work as hard as any 'maid' that the family hires because I'm not paid..haha..I just have to make sure that the place is reasonably neat.

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