My lappy had been cranky for quite a while. It refused to talk to the mouse. I wanted to bring it to the lappy doctor but I have been procrastinating. I guess I was worried that it would be pronounced dead.
However, school will be starting soon and I need to see if I need to break off with my old lappy and get a new love. Predictably, like a typical male, once you contemplate ditching it and giving it once last chance by trying to fix it, it was on its best behaviour again. It started working see when you need it, it's never there but when you want to ditch it, suddenly it will try ways and means to prove why it should not be ditched.
And I bet like a predictable male, it was probably still sulking over something. Before, both USB ports rejected the mouse. I never thought to test them with a thumbdrive then Lun and Ty2 gave me the idea so I could check to see if it was my lappy or the mouse. So yesterday, I pulled out the dusty lappy from the darkest corner, hidden behind a CPU and plugged the mouse in.
I then tested the same port with a thumbdrive.
That cranky lappy of mine had no problems with the thumbdrive.
I then plugged the same mouse into the other USB port. That fickle-minded lappy probably decided that it would talk to the mouse on his own terms because my mouse could dance happily around the screen. *roll eyes.
The best thing was, I lugged that monstrous thing to SL square today and the lappy read the repairshop guy's mouse on both ports!
What the...
Probably trying to represent me as a dumb female or typical !!
So the guy was going..."Ok leh..."
I asked him to try my mouse. Luckily the dumb lappy's pettiness took precedence over his desire to embarass me and he would only talk to the mouse on one port.
Even male lappies have periods.
My lappy is a male because us girls would never exhibit such behaviour.
God forbid.
Yeah..anyway I paid $15 for the guy to clean my horrid lappy for me. He sure doesn't deserve it. I warned him sternly that if he ever tried to be funny again, 4 years or not, he will end up sleeping in the dumpster with rotten rubbish.
And seeing how he is old and probably with some brain-wasting disease, I was contemplating upgrading his RAM so he can remember faster. But in case he decides to kill himself in a year or two, I am quite reluctant to pay too much for him, not when I can get a new lappy who will give me way less trouble. *sniffs
Well, I called Ty2 to see if he is willing to sell me cheap some of the lappy's brain space. And he agreed. My lappy definitely don't deserve this, not after all the whole male surliness performance he put up. But I guess everybody deserves a second chance, even grouchy lappies with periods. *roll eyes.
Since I had to go to SL square, I went to do a
lot little shopping too. I bought this nice yellow brolly that is super small *beams, as well as earrings and carebears handphone straps. I also bought a USB hub (in case the horrid lappy gets cranky again), card-readers and fixed some of my shoes. I contemplated getting a printer/scanner too..super cheap, it was only like 160..maybe next week if I have a RAM for the repairman to fix in.
And you know what? The most hilarious thing happened when Hy asked me..."NETS is key in ATM number hor~..." Apparently it was the first time he was paying by NETS because usually he draws and pays by cash and....he nearly keyed in the number in the wrong receiver.
The only reason why he didn't was....because the guy told him it was not 'this receiver'.
And the guy commented, "You don't go out very often isit?"
I said," No he usually carries a few hundred around with him..."
You know what that means?
Let's rob him. --> (JOKE)
P/S: Of course as a teacher, I am never at the scene of any crime, ok..lolz